
Xiaomi-Redmi-Note-8-pro VS Realme-X2 full spec-and-Comperision and reviews for camera

Redmi Note 8 Pro vs. Realme X2:  They both sport big displays with the one on the  Realme X2  measuring 6.4 inches while the Redmi  Note 8 Pro  has a bigger panel at 6.53 inches . In terms of size, the Redmi  Note 8 Pro  is bigger and bulkier than the  Realme X2 . It also packs in a bigger 4,500mAh battery compared to the 4,000mAh battery in the  Realme X2 . Introduction Realme is a challenger brand - a sister company of Oppo and Vivo - and its main strategy is to undercut Xiaomi and its successful Redmi lineup both by price and feature set - something no one thought was possible. But Realme is rather successful in this endeavor, and throughout 2019, this resulted in some fierce competition between the two companies, trading blow after blow with each new product. Two of their most popular phones are the X2 and Redmi Note 8 Pro, and with some time to spare around this year's holidays, we couldn't help but put these two in a direct battle on the (GSM)arena.